上周四召开了一次重要的会议,我们有幸参与其中。在这篇文章中,我们总结了在 FuturePrint 虚拟会议上关于“直接在承印物上打样”的亮点!

Published in Blog - zh

Last Thursday a very exciting conference took place and we had the great opportunity to be part of it! In this article, we are summarizing the highlights of the session about “direct-to-substrate proofing” at the FuturePrint´s Virtual Conference!

Published in Blog - en

FuturePrint Virtual Conference

星期二, 16 2月 2021

In October 2020, we launched a unique direct-to-substrate proofing solution with Mutoh Europe. Now, it´s time to have a closer look at our customers' experience!

Published in Blog - en