COLOR CLOUD received EDP Award!
We are glad to announce that today our COLOR CLOUD received the European Digital Print Award for the best cloud-based workflow solution!
During the virtual prize ceremony, the jury highlighted that the COLOR CLOUD “is an important step on the path to an accurate cloud-based color workflow” and honored as well the CXF TOOLBOX as a smart solution, which makes it easy to generate, manage and optimize CxF data (read the full report).
One central location – consistent brand colors all over the world!
Communicating colors simply but precisely is becoming more and more important in our globalized world.
However, the daily business of many companies in the printing and packaging industry shows that a comprehensive and clear communication of color is still often a challenge.
Of course, especially brand owners are very color sensitive and do not want to make any compromises when it comes to color reproduction.
With CGS ORIS COLOR CLOUD the precise color communication is getting very simple. The cloud-based server is the central solution with global access to share all color data, their specifications, properties, and printing behavior easily, fast, and safely.
The “color center” is the silver bullet to keep all colors always up-to-date and exchange them company-wide as well as with external partners and suppliers like designers, agencies, pre-press companies, printers, or ink manufacturers.
All CGS ORIS proofing and color management solutions, like COLOR TUNER, FLEX PACK as well as PRESS MATCHER, X GAMUT or CXF TOOLBOX, have a seamless connection to COLOR CLOUD to enable a smooth, comfortable and efficient workflow.
But also users who rely on other color management and proofing tools benefit from the COLOR CLOUD if CxF data is supported by their system. (If you like to read more about working with CXF data and why it is so beneficial, just click here.)
Therefore, the COLOR CLOUD is the solution to avoid any questions or misunderstandings about color in the future. The result is a consistent color reproduction in every print run and perfect brand colors worldwide.
Additional tools & benefits
The COLOR CLOUD can be bundled with the CXF TOOLBOX, which is a very comfortable and smart tool that helps you to create, edit and optimize your colors as well as transform them to CXF/spectral color data. There is no need to generate all necessary data by measuring entire tint ramps – just let the CXF TOOLBOX predict them for you automatically, based on the solid and substrate tone.
CXF data are very interesting for brand owners as they are the key to transporting all characteristics of brand and spot color and at the same time, the format is an open standard, which is immediately usable by anybody involved in the supply chain and production process. It allows e.g. to easily simulate spot color overprinting behavior which is enormously useful for packaging printers.
Learn more about the COLOR CLOUD and CXF TOOLBOX.
Further information
More information about the European Digital Print Award and its association, which counts more than 20 member magazines all over Europe, covering more nearly 30 countries and reaches more than half a million readers is available here:
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